Outdoor Squash

COVID has added new perspectives to so many things in our lives, especially the ones we love, like squash. Do we have to play indoors? If you could play outdoors, how would it be different? What are the possibilities? Should you consider building outdoor squash courts?

Sources point to the origins of squash in London prisons. The game was taken up in some form by “the boys at Harrow” around 1830. Harrow built four outdoor courts in 1864. Yet, today nearly every squash court around the world is indoors. We believe this has been limiting access, growth, and the beauty of the game for over 150 years. It’s time to rethink outside.

Why can’t squash courts be built like other sports facilities for tennis, basketball, volleyball, … with both indoor and outdoor playing opportunities? If you could, would you prefer to play squash outside? We are not the only ones asking these questions. Others have challenged the status quo before. But, maybe something is different this time.

Can “outdoor squash” significantly expand the business, the art, and the community of squash?

 The Queens Economic Development Council nurtures squash to help it grow in the most diverse borough in the world. Queens is the home of The US Tennis Center in Flushing and the historic Forest Hills Stadium at the West Side Tennis Club. Click on the photo to read all about it.

“Sparked by a pandemic and led by creative minds, outdoor squash courts are gaining momentum."

Until the pandemic hit and I saw the Steel court in New York, I had never thought about outdoor squash court very much. Now I can't stop thinking about them...